The Ancient Art of Detoxification in Ayurveda is back

Detoxification is an important aspect of promoting and ensuring holistic health. In fact, it has been practiced for centuries. Detoxification in India is performed as Panchakarma, a purification system that means 'five therapies': Basti, Nasya, Vamana, Ratamoskhana and Virechana. Vamana removes Kapha toxins found in the respiratory system and the rest of the body-toxins that cause skin disorders, obesity, allergies, and asthma. 

The main goal of Pancha karma Detoxification is to detoxify the body to get rid of all the impurities that may have accumulated over a period of time. It is believed that a healthy body cleared of toxins makes a person happy and capable of making sound judgements. 


It can be more difficult for our bodies to completely digest our food, feel our emotions, and enjoy leisure activities as a result of many factors in today's modern and fast-paced lifestyle. As a result, feelings of low energy levels, discomfort, and other indicators of stress are caused as the body accumulates toxins that are stored in the tissues. 

Spring and fall are the best times based on Ayurveda texts to seek Panchakarma treatment, but anytime it can really be done. For your overall health regular Panchakarma treatment can do wonders. For eyes health you can also undergo the Eye Rejuvenation Therapy.

Namely Fomentation and Oleation Kerala Panchakarma is administered in two sets of therapies. The latter involves the application of special oils to your body and the former uses therapies that make you sweat. The following basic Ayurvedic treatments are provided:


Herbal steam fomentation 




Consider completely staying under the radar and tuning out from the world to make the most of Panchakarma treatment. Instead, to allow your own story to inspire and entertain you use your free time to reflect on your life and the events in your life.
